Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Video: Sealing Panels for Oil and Acrylic Painting

Before gessoing and painting on hardboard or wood panels, they need to be sealed. Sealing, also called 'sizing', prevents the gessoed surface from discoloring caused by naturally-occurring acids in the wood. Sealing panels is really easy to do. This video (3:48 minutes) shows exactly how to seal panels successfully.

In the video, I mentioned two sealing solutions:
Golden Multi-Purpose Acrylic Polymer GAC-100 - 16 oz Cylinder and Gamblin's PVA: Poly Vinyl Acetate Size: 32 oz

Click here to watch the video!

Once your panels are sealed, the next step is to apply gesso.  Stay tuned! Next in my bi-weekly oil painting technique videos, I'll be uploading a video about how to gesso panels and canvas. Let me know if you have any questions about the process.

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