Sunday, November 29, 2009

Canvas & Linen Sampler

Painting surfaces can make the difference between a pleasurable painting experience or a frustrating struggle. Here is a great opportunity to try out five different kinds of canvas and linen. Check it out at Jerry’s Artarama: This 6” x 8” pad contains two actual canvas pieces of five different brands, including Old Holland linen. One sample is clear primed linen—this holds some interesting possibilities. The product description notes that the samples are labeled on the back, however in the pad I got they were not. The front cover clearly illustrates them so it was easy to mark the backs myself. Let me know if you get them and what your favorite surface is.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Drawing--A Medium for These Times

Compared to all the paraphernelia needed for painting, drawing is a refreshing reminder of how little it takes to do our art. More often than not everything needed to draw is within arm's reach. With whatever paper and writing utensil is at hand, we are set to go. The disadvantage of archival unsoundness of simple materials ironically unshackles us from the burden of trying to create an outcome worthy of paper that will outlive us. And yet, even in its simplicity, drawing provides us the means to wrestle with the big questions of art.