Sunday, July 31, 2011

What Was I Thinking??!

When you publish a book, you need an ISBN number. One number is $125, if you buy ten they are $25 each, but if you buy 100, they are only $5.75 each. When I placed my order for an ISBN while finishing up the The Painter's Workbook, I pictured myself writing so many books that I came ridiculously close to ordering 100 ISBNs. At the last minute, I came to my senses and only bought 10--"only" 10. Now having actually completed the book, I appreciate the true scope of such an endeavor, and I still have nine more ISBNs to go!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Show: McGuffey Art Center

McGuffey Art Center in Charlottesville, Virginia presently has a show of member's work, running through Sunday, August 14. This center housed in a former school, now a registered historical landmark, was built in 1916. The classroom's each serve as studios for several artists.

The painting shown here, Tulips in Blue & White Pitcher, 13" x 16", oil on linen on panel, is one of the paintings I have in the show.

Monday, July 25, 2011

So Many Flowers!

Sunflower Mix, 6 x 6"
With so many flowers and so little time, I've been doing a series of smaller paintings. This tiny 6" x 6" size is in the tradition of the Daily Painting Movement. Many artists paint a daily painting often of a simple still life subject such as a single pear, a bunch of radishes, or a sandwich. These can be quite engaging. Since painting life-size is my favorite way, I ususally paint larger canvases for the obvious reason that much of nature's bounty does not fit in 36 square inches. Ironically, and I haven't figured out why, the tiny canvases often take as long, often longer, than larger ones. This is yet another of the mysteries of painting.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

On My Easel -- Sunflowers & Hazel Pears

I planted a wide variety of sunflowers and they are in full bloom right now. Shown here is the middle section of a 16 x 20" painting in progress of some of the sunflowers with hazel pears. Hazel pears, as seen in the painting detail, are wild pears that are about 1-1/4 inch round. Along with regular pears, they are the most reliable of the tree fruits. Alas, the economy would have to be really bad to include them on the dessert list!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Painter's Wookbook: The Self-Study Guide for Becoming a Better Painter

Over five years in the making, The Painter's Workbook by Sarah F. Jayne (hey, that's me!) is now alive and kicking. This new hands-on painting book features sequential painting studies that can not help but improve one's paintings. Using a unique approach based on different palettes that slip under glass, fundamental concepts of painting are explained and explored. Numerous full-color completed samples are included through the workbook to simulate the experience of being in a live workshop. Strategies are emphasized for using these concepts when creating a painting. By applying yourself to these studies, there is no way one can not end up with a deeper understanding of painting.

The workbook is coil bound making it a perfect painting companion. To see a preview of its contents or to purchase, visit: Workbook Preview.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What a Workshop!

I recently returned from a unique and memorable workshop with two top-notch artists. Together they created an abundant wonderland of still life arrangements. Imagine Glenda from the Wizard of Oz as an accomplished and thoughtful painter and you begin to get a feel for the lovely Nancy Guzik teamed with Rose Frantzen, a modern day female version of Albert Einstein complete with wild curls. Their sharing of painting brilliance would be hard to match. 
This Arts & Crafts Weekend workshop was held at the Lake Conference Center, near Narrowsburg, New York, in a rustic lodge bedecked in Oriental rugs overlooking a lake filled with the big yellow buds of lily pads. Three gourment meals were served daily at which participants in concurrent workshops demonstrated their learning with song, piano, and a play. In all it felt like travel to an amazing different time and place.