Friday, December 19, 2014

Save Your Holiday Cookie Cans!

Holiday cookie cans make THE perfect airtight storage cans for the rags used in oil painting! I put a fresh plastic bag in before each painting session to make it easy to clean up and seal the can up tight when I'm done painting. Each week right before trash pick-up, out the bagged up rags go. So, eat up the cookies (save a few for Santa, of course!) and hijack that can straight to your studio!


Yvonne Branchflower said...

Hi Sarah, you write a most interesting and useful blog! And your paintings are beautiful. Years ago I took a still life workshop from Jean Chambers. She did a wonderful job of describing how she arranges the set up--how the composition functions to lead the viewer through the painting. I would love to read your take on arranging the still life.

Sarah F. Jayne said...

Yvonne, thank you for your thoughtful and kind words! I've often marveled how setting up the still life so very much determines the painting's outcome. I will write about this topic sometime. I can spend so many hours arranging and rearranging that there remains no time left for painting! But, I have found that to begin a painting before the moment of "oh, this is it!!", is futile. It is that spark of "je ne sais quoi" that makes it all worth it!