Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Painter's Wookbook: The Self-Study Guide for Becoming a Better Painter

Over five years in the making, The Painter's Workbook by Sarah F. Jayne (hey, that's me!) is now alive and kicking. This new hands-on painting book features sequential painting studies that can not help but improve one's paintings. Using a unique approach based on different palettes that slip under glass, fundamental concepts of painting are explained and explored. Numerous full-color completed samples are included through the workbook to simulate the experience of being in a live workshop. Strategies are emphasized for using these concepts when creating a painting. By applying yourself to these studies, there is no way one can not end up with a deeper understanding of painting.

The workbook is coil bound making it a perfect painting companion. To see a preview of its contents or to purchase, visit: Workbook Preview.

1 comment:

Sarah F. Jayne said...

By the way, if you have purchased a copy of this book, let me know so that I can send you "The Painter's Workbook News & Tips" newsletter. It features: additional completed samples, questions & answers, and supplemental content.